Policy against exploitation, pornography and sex tourism with minors.

In accordance with Law 679 of August 3, 2001 issued by the Congress of the Republic, with which provisions are issued to prevent and counteract exploitation, pornography and sex tourism with minors.

In accordance with the provisions of said Law, all persons must prevent, block, combat and report the exploitation, accommodation, use, publication, dissemination of images, texts, documents, audiovisual files, improper use of global information networks, or the establishment of telematic links of any kind related to pornographic material or allusive to the sexual activities of minors.

If a case is known, it will be reported to the competent authorities. If you are a witness to a case, report anonymously at:

Or use the ICBF complaint line, it has the national 24-hour complaint service and reception line 01 8000 112 440

In development of the provisions of article 17 of Law 679 of 2001, the Company warns tourists that the exploitation and sexual abuse of minors in the country are criminally and administratively sanctioned, in accordance with current laws. Likewise, and in order to comply with Resolution 3840 of December 24, 2009 and according to Article 1 of Law 1336 of July 21, 2009, BLUE DIVE S.A.S. With the establishment DIVING PLANET, it adopted a model Code of Conduct, in order to prevent and prevent the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in tourism.


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