By taking the PADI specialties focused on the study and conservation of marine ecosystems and generating enough confidence to enjoy diving even more, you will be more than a diver, you will become an ECO-DIVER DIVING PLANET.


With this specialty, you will see new things, even in the dive sites you know best, because when you know more about ecology, habitats of aquatic animals and plants, you will observe behaviors and see creatures that may have gone unnoticed before.
Through theory classes and in two open water dives, you will learn: The key differences between the terrestrial world and the aquatic world, the main groups of aquatic life, relationships and information that dispels myths. Responsible interactions with aquatic life.


“”What fish were they and what were they doing?” is a common question after every dive. If you want to be a diver who stands out for having the answers, the FISH IDENTIFIATION specialty is perfect for you. You will enjoy your dives even more when you recognize the creatures you see and can identify the main families and their characteristics.
Through the theoretical classes and in two open water dives, you will learn: How to identify characteristics of local fish families and species, fish screening techniques and strategies, curiosities of the Caribbean marine environment.



You have seen how your instructors move effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or hover almost instinctively… They can more easily observe aquatic life without touching or disturbing them while protecting marine life.
Through the theory classes and in two open water dives, you will learn to efficiently use the weight system, be hydrodynamic to save energy, use less air and float motionless effortlessly in any position.



Enriched air, also known as nitrox or EANx, contains less nitrogen than normal air, allowing you to enjoy longer dives and shorter surface intervals. It’s no wonder the Enriched Air Diver is PADI’s most popular specialty.
During this course you will review the different nitrox mixtures, concentrating on the most common ones and learning to determine the advantages, avoid the associated risks and use dive tables and / or computers to calculate new times and depths.